Selenium Grid on GigaFox

Selenium Grid is a central entry point with the ability to access and run tests on multiple servers, browsers, and operating systems simultaneously. With the integration of Selenium Grid, iOS and Android devices across multiple GigaFox systems will be accessible from one central location.

Selenium Grid Configuration

After Selenium is installed on your local machine and set to run in a Grid configuration:

  1. In terminal, navigate to /usr/local/deviceConnect and open the dc.ini file.
  2. Add the following key/value pairs to the [config] and [set] sections:
       PublicHubAddress=GigaFox hostname or IP address
       SeleniumGrid.Host=Selenium Grid server's IP or hostname
       SeleniumGrid.Port=port number
  4. Restart GigaFox services:
       sudo sv restart dc-services dc-web dc-webviewer nginx
  6. Open the Selenium Grid console.

Selenium Grid on GigaFox

To display the Selenium Grid and available devices, go to <SeleniumGrid.Host:port>:/grid/console on the browser and click the Configuration tab.

In the example, the grid displays iOS device with the GigaFox ID

Available Devices

As with GigaFox, devices are only available if they are not already retained by another user. On the grid, maxInstance will identify if the device is available or already in-use that are in-use.

  • 1: indicates the device is available.
  • -1: indicates the device is in-use.

Connecting to GigaFox devices

To connect to GigaFox devices through the Selenium Grid, use the following URL:


Selenium Grid Troubleshooting

Once GigaFox is connected to the Selenium Grid, the server will communicate with GigaFox every 10 minutes to ensure the connection is intact. However, if the connection fails, try the following:

  • Check that the GigaFox system and Selenium Grid is properly running.
  • dc.ini keys contain the correct key/value pairs.

For more information about the Selenium Grid, go to the Selenium Grid documentation.