iOS Provisioning Profile Setup

The provisioning profile is a collection of digital components that uniquely identify and tie developers and devices to an authorized Development Team, enabling a device to be used for testing, or in this case, be provisioned to connect to GigaFox.

This tutorial assumes you are enrolled in the Apple Developer Program and your assigned role includes the ability to create a provisioning profile.

To create a Provisioning Profile, the following steps need to be completed:

  1. Retrieve iOS Device UDID
  2. Register Device with Apple Developer Program
  3. Create an Apple App ID
  4. Create an Apple Developer Certificate
  5. Set Signing Certificate in Keychain
  6. Create an Apple Provisioning Profile

Provisioning Profile Common Errors

Throughout the provisioning process, you may come across some common errors affecting certificates or the profile itself. For a list of common issues and fixes, go to Common Profile and Certificate Errors.

iOS Provisioning Tool

The iOS provisioning tool is available to assist with provisioning an iOS application. For more information, go to iOS Provisioning Tool.

Retrieve iOS device UDID »