Common Profile and Certificate Errors

If after uploading the certificate and profile, the device(s) associated with the profile are not provisioned, clear error messaging will indicate if the issue(s) stems from the certificate and/or the provisioning profile.
Error messages will be located in the iOS Provisioning Status  section, either under Installed provisioning profiles  or Available signing certificates.

The following is a list of GigaFox error messages and how to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Restricted access to private key: Failed: Available signing certificate not valid. An associated private key has restricted access.
    To allow private key access:
    1. Open Keychain Access.
    2. Under System > My Certificates, right-click on the private key.
    3. Under Access Control, select Allow all applications to access this item.
    4. Click Save Changes.
    5. If prompted, enter your computer's login password to modify the System Keychain.
  • Expired Certificate: Failed: Certificate is expired.
    To upload a valid certificate:
    1. Open Keychain Access and navigate the the iPhone Developer certificate associated with your provisioning profile.
    2. Click the disclosure triangle to reveal the its certificate.
    3. Highlight the certificate and private key, right-click and select the delete option or hit delete on your keyboard.
    4. If prompted, enter your computer's login password to modify the System Keychain.
    5. Follow the steps to create an iOS Developer Certificate.
    6. Go to, click on Provisioning Profile, navigate the profile with the expired certificate, and select Edit.
    7. On the Edit iOS Provisioning Profiles (Development), in the Certificates section, Select All, and click Generate.
    8. Go back the Provisioning Profiles, select the profile and click Download.
    9. Follow the steps to upload the certificate and profile to GigaFox.
  • Missing Certificate: Failed: No signing certificate available.
    To add a certificate to the profile:
    1. If a certificate has not already been created, follow the steps to create an iOS Developer Certificate.
    2. If a certificate has been created, on the account, go to Provisioning Profiles > Development, click on the profile and click Edit.
    3. On the Edit iOS Provisioning Profiles (Development), in the Certificates section, Select All, and click Generate.
    4. On the Your provisioning profile is ready page, click Download.
    5. Follow the steps to upload the certificate and profile to GigaFox.
  • Expired Provisioning Profile: Failed: Profile expired (expiration date). To renew an expired profile:
    1. Go to, under Provisioning Profiles > go to All or Development, select the expired profile and click Edit.
    2. On the Edit iOS Provisioning Profiles (Development) Scroll to the bottom, then click Generate.
    3. Follow the steps to upload the certificate and profile to GigaFox.