Device Data

The Devices section of GigaFox also gives users access to data, including logs, device data, and user history.

Device Report

Devices Reports has two reports, Operating System Usage and Device Availability Timeline. By default, both graphs display the past 30 days of data, but options include all, today, past 7 days, and custom start/end date.

Operating System Usage

This pie chart breaks down the usage by operating system. The inner ring represents the major operating system (iOS 11 or Android 8) and the outer ring breaks down by specific OS version (iOS 11.0.2).

Device Availability Timeline

This line graph displays a timeline of devices in-use, devices online, and licensed amount, making it easier to observe usage trends. Hovering on the graph displays the date and time, number of online devices, and devices in-use.

Device Usage

Clicking the Usage link displays a time-based table of device usage. Details include:

Date The date and time the device was retained.
Duration The length of time the device was in use.
Device The device used, link to the device's details page.
User The user that used the device, link to the user's details page.
Application The application launched while the device was in use, link to the application's details page.
Reserved If the user had reserved the device for testing, this column displays Yes.

Device History

The device History page displays a list of events that happened on a device. Details include:

Date The date and time the device was retained.
Event The event recorded.
Device The device used, link to the device's details page.
User The user that performed the event, link to the user's details page.
Application The application launched while the device was in use, link to the application's details page.

An event can be any of the following:

Device Availability When a device goes on/offline.
Device Retainment When a user retains the device for use or the device's connection is released.
Device Enablement When a user enabled or disabled a device.
Device Deletion When a user deleted the device.
Device Notes When a note was added to the device's details notes field.
Device OS Changed When a device's OS changed.
Application Launched When an application is launched through GigaFox.
Application Install When an application is installed through GigaFox.