User Usage and History

User Usage

User usage data displays a time-based table of the devices the user has used.

To access the Usage table:

  1. Click on the user's name link.
  2. On the user's account page, click Usage.

The Usage tab includes:

Date Date and time the device was retained.
Duration The length of time the device was retained.
Device The retained device, link to the device's details page.
User User's name, a link to the user's details page.
Application The application launched while the device was retained, a link to the application's details page.
Reserved If the user had reserved the device for testing, this column displays Yes.

By default, Usage displays the past 30 days of activity, but can be filtered by all, today, last 7 days, or customize a start/end date.

Usage data can also be downloaded by clicking the Full table link. The download contains additional user and device data not shown on the Usage table, with a maximum of 10,000 rows.

User History

The history table displays time-based data of a users events on GigaFox.

User history table

The history table includes:

Date Date and time the device was retained.
Event The activity performed on GigaFox or a device.
Device The retained device, link to the device's details page.
User User's name, a link the user's details page.
Application The application launched while the device was retained, a link to the application's details page.

An event can be any of the following:

User Login The time a user signed in and out of GigaFox.
User Created The time a user was created in GigaFox.
Device Retirement The time a device was retained or released.
Device Enablement When a user enables or disables a device.
Device Deletion When a user adds or deletes a device.
Device Note When a note is added to the device detail's page.
Application Launched When an application is launched on a device.
Application Install When an application is installed or uninstalled on a device.
Shared Viewer When a user launches a view-only session sharing deviceViewer.

By default, History displays the past 30 days of activity, but can be filtered by all, today, last 7 days , or customize a start/end date.

History data can also be downloaded by clicking the Full table link. The download contains additional user and device data not shown on the History table, with a maximum of 10,000 rows.