Camera/Image Simulation

The simulated image feature is for instrumented iOS and Android applications with camera functionality, e.g., a bank's mobile check scanner, a QR code reader, image based search.
When the simulated image is set, the device's camera feature will interpret the set image as if the device's camera lens was pointing at the image. This allows users to test the application's camera capabilities while the device is in the GigaFox cart.

To test a simulated image:

  1. Connect a device through the Connect with Trust option. Connect with Trust button Depending on the system's configuration, Connect with Trust may be an option on the dropdown menu.
    Connect with Trust option on connect button dropdown
  2. On the application dialog, ensure that Launch application with Mobile Labs Trust is NOT checked.
  3. Select an application to launch.
  4. Note: The camera simulation feature will only simulate an image for the instrumented application launched with the Connect with Trust option.
    Camera simulation will not properly function for applications launched through a different method or if switching to a different application while on the same session.

  5. On the deviceViewer's right panel, select Camera.
  6. deviceViewer camera feature
  7. Navigate to the application's camera feature, e.g., QR code reader.
  8. On the Camera panel, click Set simulated image, select the image to upload, and click Open.
  9. NOTE: The camera simulation feature accepts JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF formats.

    example image on camera application

    Simulated images will display as the application intends it to, which will likely differ from the example above.

  10. Once the image is updated, test the application's camera feature as intended.

Clear Simulated Image

  • To clear the simulated image on the application, click Clear image.

Camera/Image Simulation Notes

  • Simulated images that rely on iOS to process an image's metadata, such as barcodes or QR codes are not supported.
  • To simulate an image, the application’s video capture frame output must be in the 32BGRA pixel format.
  • If the application processes camera video frames, use a simulated image resolution that matches the video frame output resolution, e.g., 1080 x 1920.
  • The aspect ratio of the image must be in proportion to the width and height.
  • If needed, manually change the orientation of the image before uploading it to the viewer.