iOS deviceKey Accessibility Support

On GigaFox, deviceKey tests iOS Accessibility and VoiceOver features by mimicking a Bluetooth keyboard and generating keyboard shortcuts corresponding to VoiceOver gestures. Examples of supported iOS accessibility capabilities include:

  • iOS VoiceOver key presses
  • iOS VoiceOver gestures
  • Navigation features
  • Vocal announcements

To enable Accessibility and VoiceOver features on an iOS device:

  1. Navigate to Settings > General > Accessibility > VoiceOver.
  2. Enable the VoiceOver switch.
  3. Select OK on the enable VoiceOver confirmation dialog.

Pairing Devices with GigaFox

Pairing requires setting changes to both the device and GigaFox GEM.
If the devices on the GigaFox cart are available to you, change the device's settings on the physical device. Otherwise, change settings remotely through GigaFox.

To make the necessary settings changes:

  1. On the Mac, open System Preferences, click on the Bluetooth icon and turn Bluetooth On. Leave the Bluetooth window open, it's necessary for pairing discoverability.
  2. On the device, select Settings > Bluetooth and enable the Bluetooth switch.
  3. On the Bluetooth screen, under MY DEVICES, tap on the name of the Mac the device will be connected to.
  4. On the Mac, click Pair on the prompt confirming whether to pair with the listed device.
  5. The virtual keyboard should now be paired.

NOTE: When pairing, it may take a few minutes to establish a connection between the device and Mac.

Bluetooth Pairing Troubleshooting

Bluetooth pairing and connecting can be finicky. If the device is not pairing, try the following to establish a connection.

  • Instead of initiating the pairing from the device, try initiating from the Mac.
  • Disconnect and turn Bluetooth off any device where it's not needed.
  • If the device had successfully paired to the Mac, but can't be reconnected to, click on the information icon , select Forget This Device, and re-pair to the device.

deviceKey Session

To use the deviceKey feature on GigaFox:

  1. Enable the VoiceOver feature on the device.
  2. Start a GigaFox webViewer session.
  3. On the far left of the screen, click Accessibility to display a list of accessibility testing capabilities.
  4. Click the buttons to trigger the VoiceOver actions.
    For example:
    • Click Activate to simulate a VoiceOver double-tap action.
    • Click Next to move the VoiceOver focus rectangle to the next element.
  5. To close the Accessibility panel, click re-click on Accessibility.

NOTE: If GigaFox services have been restarted, it will be necessary to re-pair any previously connected device to GigaFox.

Supported VoiceOver Gestures

Button Title Tooltip Text iOS VoiceOver Finger Gesture iOS Keyboard Shortcut
Activate Tap object double-tap Control+Option+Space
Special Invoke special action two-finger double tap Control+Option+Hyphen
Back/Close Back, cancel, or close two-finger swipe back-and-forth Esc
Item Chooser Open Item Chooser two-finger triple tap Control+Option+I
Read First Read all from first item two-finger swipe up Control+Option+B
Read Selected Read all from selected item two-finger swipe down Control+Option+A
Pause Speech Pause or resume speech three-finger triple tap Control
Speech On/Off Toggle speech on/off three-finger double tap Control+Option+S
Previous Go to previous item swipe left Control+Option+LeftArrow
Next Field Move to next text field n/a Shift+Tab
Curtain On/Off Toggle screen curtain on/off three-finger triple-tap Shift+Control+Option+S
Home Go to home screen five-finger pinch Control+Option+H
Page Left Previous horizontal page three-finger swipe right Option+LeftArrow
Page Right Next horizontal page three-finger swipe left Option+RightArrow
Page Down Next vertical page three-finger swipe up Option+DownArrow
Page Up Previous vertical page three-finger swipe down Option+UpArrow
Cut Cut selected text choose "Copy" pop-up menu item Command+X
Copy Copy selected text choose "Copy" pop-up menu item Command+C
Paste Paste selected text choose "Paste" pop-up menu item Command+V
Select All Select all text n/a Command+A
Rotor Prev Previous Rotor item two-finger twist left Command+Control+Option+LeftArrow
Rotor Next Next Rotor item two-finger twist right Command+Control+Option+RightArrow
Rotor Up Increment current Rotor item flick up Command+Control+Option+UpArrow
Rotor Down Decrement current Rotor item flick down Command+Control+Option+DownArrow
Prev App Switch to previous app four-finger swipe right Command+Tab
Next App Switch to next app four-finger swipe left Shift+Command+Tab
Status Bar Move to/from status bar tap top of screen Control+Option+M
Help On/Off Toggle VoiceOver help on/off Control+Option+K
Toggle Keyboard Toggle on-screen keyboard on/off Eject

Standard VoiceOver Features

The following standard iOS VoiceOver features can be used with deviceKey:

  • To display the multitasking app switcher, press Home twice. When in the switcher, use the Page Left and Page Right buttons to move between pages, and click Activate to select the desired app.
  • To display the Notification Center, click the Status Bar button to move the focus to the status bar, then Page Up. Use Back/Close to dismiss it.
  • To display the Control Center, click the Status Bar button to move the focus to the status bar, then Page Down. Use Back/Close to dismiss it.

deviceKey Automation Support

deviceKey actions can be automated with a language/library specific Appium executeScript command.
The Appium script argument is ml:ax, followed by a second argument, an object with an action member set to the action's name.

For example, to run the GoToPreviousItem action in Python:

      self.driver.execute_script("ml:ax", { 'action': 'GoToPreviousItem' })

deviceKey valid actions include:

None Activate DoubleTap GoToNextItem
GoToPreviousItem NextOption PreviousOption PauseOrResumeSpeech
SpecialAction OpenItemChooser BackCancelOrClose OpenRotor
NextRotorItem PreviousRotorItem IncrementRotorItem DecrementRotorItem
ReadAllFromFirstObject ReadAllFromSelectedItem Select Deselect
SpeakPageNumber ToggleSpeechOnOff ToggleScreenCurtain NextHorizontalPage
PreviousHorizontalPage NextVerticalPage PreviousVerticalPage SwitchToNextApp
SwitchToPreviousApp OpenMultitaskPane CloseMultitaskPane GoToHomeScreen
MoveToStatusBar Help NextTextField PreviousTextField
Cut Copy Paste SelectAll

deviceKey Limitations

  1. deviceKey currently supports iOS devices only.
  2. deviceKey only supports sending VoiceOver keyboard shortcuts through the GigaFox webViewer. Trust deviceViewer does not support deviceKey and there is no scripting capability.
  3. A macOS GEM connects to a limited number of Bluetooth devices. Although Bluetooth specifications indicate that up to seven devices can be connected to the GEM at one time, radio bandwidth, interference, and other connection factors often prevent as many as seven devices to be connected at once. In practice, deviceKey works best when only two to three devices are connected at a time.